
Same Sex Relationships and Relationship Registration.

If you are searching for family or relationship law advice from experienced and qualified family lawyers, contact one of our lawyers today.

Same Sex Relationships

And Relationship Registration

The rights of same sex couples gained recognition through the changes to both Commonwealth laws and State laws in 2008.

We offer practical legal advice and suggestions to deal with legal issues that arise from the breakdown of same sex couples relationships, such as financial matters and parental rights.

Similarly to de facto relationships, the same requirements apply as to establishing the relationship and financial matters. Same sex couples can enter into financial agreements which are legally binding on both parties and outline how their property and finances would be divided in the event of separation or if separate.

We provide well rounded advice and assistance with all aspects of asset division, following separation including:

  • Binding financial agreements.
  • Property settlement orders.
  • Child support and child support agreements.

We can also assist same sex couples in wide range of aspects as to negotiating and establishing parental rights in relation to their children.

We’re here to help,
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